Hi and welcome to ellipticalconsumers.com where I write about cycling, fitness, health and elliptical training. I am a personal trainer certified (CPT) in group fitness. I currently live in Harlingen Texas with my wife and 2 daughters.
Please note (November 2023 update): While we’re fixing up your website (we are in the process of updating our wordpress database), it will be in maintenance mode. When we finish the updates, we’ll turn off this mode and let you know (check this page agin).
I’m a big fan of Jack LaLanne.
Wow, that was not at all what I expected.
I expected to be slapped with the broad sword of extreme time – skewed quality.
I had even made up a few dialogues.
I was determined to enjoy this one.
Everytime I’ve gotten on the treadmill in the past month, I’ve wondered why I’ve been torturing myself with such little results… why am I so hard on myself?
Each time I was working up a sweat and keeping a decent pace, all I could think about was what I could be doing to improve myself.
The last two times I was on the treadmill, I was pushing myself to run the entire length of the gym, burning more calories, than I probably would have in a full body workout…
My core values are honesty, humility, service and love. I thrive on helping people succeed in their lives and am available to be your trusted confidante. I have over 22 years of experience in the fitness industry with 15 years as a certified personal trainer. I know how to build a fit body and will help you plan the next steps toward that goal.
For contact information please visit my contact page, click here.
This website has expanded over the years to become a leader in the world of health and fitness, organising hundreds of events across the globe with a mission to inspire and inspire others. The Frazier’s continue to live as a family with their two young children and they are very proud of their achievements, their success and their achievements.
The family is committed to doing what they can to make their experiences, experiences for everyone, great, memorable and enjoyable for all who attend.
Thank you to all the sponsors who have helped make this year’s event a success.
The Frazier’s are very proud of their achievements, their success and their achievements.
Warm regards,
Steve Frazier
We are all fighting a variety of personal battles to either restore or retain good health.
There are many compromises that our lifestyles complicate this process with. Some are imposed, some self-imposed.
That’s why we need to take control (sorry, I know that phrase got overused in the wrong context last year!) of that with which we individually can influence, control, and change for the better, for ourselves (and maybe also for those we love).
Our bodies are the most unbelievably complex and interwoven machines. It really is a truism that if we feed ourselves rubbish quality (and excess quantity) food then we will feel like rubbish!
Naturally (pun intended) if we don’t also get decent fresh air and exercise we put a further barrier to wellness in our way.
Should you have any questions regarding this site or about what I publish here that’s the place to find my contact information.
How you ended up on my site, I have no clue. There is no prize to win for guessing either. Over the last couple of years (and many year to come) we have filled this website with in-depth content covering a wide spectrum of fitness related issues. Such as our Sole fitness reviews, specifically (incidentally our most popular article) our Sole E35 elliptical reviews, and such as the Bowflex max trainer series with the ever popular Max M3 and Max M6. I sincerely hope that you have found the information here practical and useful. That is our goal and purpose, to help you, the reader to make informed and smart decisions based upon our research. We want to save you time and money and in the same time do what we enjoy the best, write about fitness, treadmills and elliptical!
Running for charity at the TCS New York City Marathon (NYC).

TCS New York City Marathon (NYC)
We will continue to look at every angel to exercise equipment, elliptical training and brands. Everything from new product reviews to new scientific findings regarding the benefits of exercising.
So, with that said and explained, please make sure to bookmark our site (why not do it right now?) and make sure to check back to get the latest and greatest information regarding the Sole elliptical E35.
Over the coming month we have much new coming.
Unfortunately I cannot tell your about everything right now, my time is limited and I’m sure that your time is better spend else were (then reading my about page).
Finally let me say again, I hope that you find the material here use full, and should you have ANY comments, feed-back or input, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek; and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Matthew 7:7-8
You can find my contact information (e-mail) on my contact page.
Steve Frazier, @frazierfitness
PS. I would love to hear from you if you have a personal fitness experience with any of the products or programs that I have covered over the years!
PPS. I have just update my site from WordPress 4.7.5 to WordPress 4.8.1, let me know if you spot anything funny. Hopefully everything should work just as before.
PPPS. I’m a self-employed CPT, certified by World Instructor Training Schools (W.I.T.S.), offering services out of multiples locations in the Harlingen, Texas area. I coach all types of people – from all walks of life. In my youth I went to The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine, nowadays they offer excellent personal trainer certification training programs [here].
PPPPS. Send business inquiries to:
Steve D. Frazier
277 Jerome Avenue
Harlingen, TX 78550
(956) 364-6993